Lightroom beauty model retouching tutorial
I put up a Tutorial again on Youtube on how I edit beauty in a typical workflow from start to finish. Lightroom retouching tutorial Hope
I put up a Tutorial again on Youtube on how I edit beauty in a typical workflow from start to finish. Lightroom retouching tutorial Hope
Nu et photo lingerie en studio. Date :dimanche 6 décembre 2014 Horaires : De 10h à 18h nombre de participants : 4. Lieu Paris 75015 Pour
Daylight studio 6th of December 2014 in Paris Photo Seminar December 6, 2014, 10h-18h Paris Nude photo seminar in a daylight studio. Reserve your place today
Beauty photography workshop Paris Seminar/Workshop by Neil Snape Photo Seminar October 25 2014, 10h-18h Paris Beauty photography workshop Paris in a daylight studio, starting off with flash,
Daylight studio 18th of October 2014 in Paris Photo Seminar October 18 2014, 13h-17h Paris Nude photo seminar in a daylight studio. Reserve your place today as
You might find this useful if you’d like your raw images upon import to have base default settings already applied directly. This is the way
Seminar/Workshop by Neil Snape Professional image and video workflow in Lightroom. Date : Sunday 22 June 2014 Time : 11am – 5pm 4 participants maximum. Paris
Stage LightRoom par Neil Snape. Maîtriser le traitement d’image avec Lightroom. Date : dimanche 22 juin 2014 Horaires : De 11h à 17h nombre de participants :
Stage photo par Neil Snape. Beauté en studio lumière du jour. Date : samedi 14 juin 2014 Horaires : De 10h à 18h nombre de participants
Seminar/Workshop by Neil Snape Photo Seminar June 21 2014, 10h-18h Paris Beauty photo seminar in a daylight studio. Reserve your place today as places are
I finally made my first tutorial. Enjoy! And, subscribe if you want to see more when I post them!
Nu et photo lingerie en studio lumière du jour. Date :dimanche 18 mai 2014 Horaires : De 10h à 18h nombre de participants : 4. Lieu
Daylight studio 18th of May 2014 in Paris Photo Seminar May 18 2014, 10h-18h Paris Nude and lingerie photo seminar in a daylight studio.Reserve your
Daylight studio 27th of April 2014 Paris Level & cameras required: Digital camera preferably a dSLR. Open to all levels yet knowing how to set
At first look, this picture seems easy and complicated at the same time. Make up is the key to the picture, it is about
Photoshop edit strong preset applied preset after light Photoshop edits CR2 with basic adjustments on the raw CR2 raw Previous Next Here is a simple
A fun picture revisited. Originally thought to be better in colour, yet is splendid in B&W. The carbon tones are all LightRoom settings on top
As drab as it may seem the original was intentionally shot this way. Leaving headroom in the highlights avoids clipping the channels when you do
That is a while back. Looking at that I still see the image quality with the 5D superior than the 5DMKII. Since it was done,
So to start off, this was a magazine series, being quite retro . Since it had smoke in it, yes luckily the girl is a
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