Photo book review choose the best of 3
Blurb Whitewall SAAL photo book review, a detailed photo book review by a professional photographer. Why print a photo book? With all the options of
Blurb Whitewall SAAL photo book review, a detailed photo book review by a professional photographer. Why print a photo book? With all the options of
BenQ SW271C 4K 27″ monitor review Introduction BenQ SW271C is an updated version of a UHD 4K 3840×2160 pixel 27” monitor that offers the latest
BenQ SW321C monitor review Introduction BenQ SW321C is a newly updated version of a UHD 4K 32” monitor that offers modern connectivity, superb matte surface
BenQ SW270C monitor review Introduction The new BenQ SW270C is an evolutionary exciting new monitor that offers modern updates for connectivity and workflow options for
Neil Snape on making timeless fine art images My friend image makers both stills and video, BenQ invited me to make a webinar (free, just
More new studio rentals equipment Trends change the way we light! To keep up to date here are the latest additions to the studio rentals.
X-Rite ColorChecker Passport review for fashion photography Are you here looking for some good reasons for excellent efficient color corrections techniques for fashion photography? The X-Rite
Stage LightRoom Paris le 6 décembre 2015 par Neil Snape. Maîtriser le traitement d’image avec Lightroom. Date : dimanche 6 décembre 2015 Horaires : De 12h à
Adobe Lightroom vs. Phase One Capture One Review Adobe Lightroom v 5.7 vs Phase One Capture One v 8.3.4 Review segment 1 It has been
Is grain or noise a bad thing? The other day when talking with Stefano Brunesci we were saying that too many photographers are thinking about
While looking for SEO solutions to bring my Paris photo studio rental up in visibility I came across a post from 2011 at The Paris
I put up a Tutorial again on Youtube on how I edit beauty in a typical workflow from start to finish. Lightroom retouching tutorial Hope
You might find this useful if you’d like your raw images upon import to have base default settings already applied directly. This is the way
Seminar/Workshop by Neil Snape Professional image and video workflow in Lightroom. Date : Sunday 22 June 2014 Time : 11am – 5pm 4 participants maximum. Paris
I finally made my first tutorial. Enjoy! And, subscribe if you want to see more when I post them!
At first look, this picture seems easy and complicated at the same time. Make up is the key to the picture, it is about
Photoshop edit strong preset applied preset after light Photoshop edits CR2 with basic adjustments on the raw CR2 raw Previous Next Here is a simple
A fun picture revisited. Originally thought to be better in colour, yet is splendid in B&W. The carbon tones are all LightRoom settings on top
As drab as it may seem the original was intentionally shot this way. Leaving headroom in the highlights avoids clipping the channels when you do
One of my timeless classics that stays that way due to the simplicity in light. It is a large Octa from above centre but not
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