BenQ SW320 Lightroom

Webinar by Neil Snape for BenQ on creating fine art portrait photography

Neil Snape on making timeless fine art images

My friend image makers both stills and video, BenQ invited me to make a webinar (free, just sign up) on image creation for fine art and portraits, real time retouching and crafting with post production and workflow advantages of having an excellent colour managed monitor. There are some lighting tips, post production, and display image advice. Sign up and watch it now as there is a surprise for you waiting in the webinar. Share this with others you know will want to gather some essential great tips for imaging.

Webinar by Neil Snape for BenQ

Webinar recording

Here is what is in the Webinar by Neil Snape for BenQ:

Neil Snape is a Paris-based photographer who produces images for luxury brands and fine art expositions, embracing new technologies along the way.

Following the path from amateur to professional, Neil winded up in Paris where he is concentrating on beauty photography, portraits, and fine art photography. “Light, what it best brings to the subject” is what Neil Snape always aims for in all his photography domains, be it still life, portrait, fashion, and beauty

In this webinar, Neil will discuss Creating Timeless Fine Art Photography with Simple Lighting.


Topics covered:

  • Light Observation
  • Light Control Importance of a Quality Monitor
  • Colour Management
  • Develop Settings
  • Crafting and Shaping on RAW B&W Conversions.


Neil Snape is a photographer, educator, and also a BenQ Consultant. Neil works with companies such as HP and X-Rite and is also a Coloratti Ambassador. Additionally, he teaches Masters Fashion at an American fine art school at the Paris College of Art.


You’ll find more information on this site BenQ 

For photography you have multiple choices, equally for video. If you are making videos and you are recording in 4K then the better choice will be one of the 4K monitors which are 4 times the resolution of standard HD monitors.

BenQ SW320 Resolve

You can find my review on the recent BenQ 4K SW320 32″ a great deal for a huge wide gamut monitor for an incredible price here;

and my review on the photographers 1st choice the BenQ SW2700 27″ here! 

4 thoughts on “Webinar by Neil Snape for BenQ on creating fine art portrait photography”

  1. Neil,

    Very interesting review of the BenQ. I’m a bit confused about something that nobody seems to mention. When I use Palette Master Element (PME) and store a profile as Calibrate 1, 2 or 3, PME also writes an ICC profile to ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles on my Mac. I can use that profile by selecting it in System Preferences > Displays for the BenQ SW271 that I have, I don’t have to set Color Mode to Calibrate 1, say, in the display.

    What I don’t understand is, if I do activate Calibrate 1 in the printer, am I not essentially viewing the display through two profiles, the Calibrate 1 one, of course, but also whatever profile is assigned to the display in System Preferences > Displays? There seems to be no way for a user to tell the Mac not to use a profile at all, even though, clearly, calibration and profiling software must be able to do so. A “do nothing” profile my accomplish the same thing, but I’m not aware of such profiles in the Mac.

    Any comments, thoughts, corrections would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hello. Copied from my reply to a Youtube comment, I’ll add to this; The presets for sRGB Adobe RGB etc are not altered by the Calibration 1+2. Calibrations are manually done through palette Master and stored in the monitor memory. The presets are factory or standardised presets for which the monitor has a custom factory measured control set ( the certified monitor report). These are hard set for each monitor so that the standard presets will be displayed correctly without any notions of what the video card is sending out. To recap; calibrate to what colour space you like or custom set this. The resulting profile will be lodged locally as an ICC profile, and resident to the monitor, with 14bit per channel LUTs. The monitor ICC profile is for OS level display which corresponds to the Calibration settings lodged in the monitor so that both system and monitor can correctly transpose colour working spaces to the correct rendering in applications as well as the maximum ability of the display itself.
      Now when you change your calibration setting with the hotkey puck or buttons, you need to change Preferences/Displays to the corresponding profile for which the Calibration settings were employed at the time of creation. I always change the hotkey designation for example to hot key 1 is cal 1 hotkey 2 is cal 2 hotkey 3 is say B&W.

  2. Thanks for that last comment as I’ve been wondering how the calibration ‘lodged in the monitor’ should be used on the profile set at the OS level (macOS in my case). You said “Now when you change your calibration setting with the hotkey puck or buttons, you need to change Preferences/Displays to the corresponding profile for which the Calibration settings were employed at the time of creation.”

    So If I read this correctly, if I am using “calibration 1′ on my Sw320 set on the monitor using the menu or puck, then in the OS I need to pick that same ICC, correct.

    1. Exactly. There will be little difference so if you don’t you may not even notice a change. That is because the whole idea of 14 bit correction to a 10 bit panel is the video card sends out an almost straight line signal. The monitor takes care of the rest, correction in 3D and between 2 and 4 bits per channel error correction for the panel.

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