glamour nude workshop Beyond Glamour Workshop

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino

This workshop is sold out. We also have the 26th of January, 22nd of February, and the 8th of March available.

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino Fine Art Nude & Lingerie

Glamour Nu Workshop Paris Beyond Glamour Workshop

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino Sunday 5th, January 12h-17h in Paris.

September nude and lingerie workshop Neil Snape workshops
Beyond Glamour Workshop
Beyond Glamour Workshop

Date :   Sunday 5  January 2020

Time : 12h to 17h participants limited to : 4 maximum
Where : Paris 75015

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino in a daylight studio. Reserve your place today as places are limited. This workshop is a semi-private shoot that will allow you much more time per set up alone with Chiara. Maximum 4 places available. To reserve email today

Level & cameras required: Digital camera preferably a dSLR. Open to all levels yet knowing how to set your camera settings is a minimum, being able to shoot in manual mode, and some basic notions of photography is helpful.

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino Nude & Lingerie

Glamour Nu Workshop Paris Beyond Glamour Workshop


Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino Nude & Lingerie

You’re going to love our workshops. Take a look at some previous events. Click here! 

Previous workshops with Chiara  in studio shoot  and
yet another great workshop

Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino with individual one on one shooting times. Theme will be sculptural fine art nudes, glamour, and portraits and lingerie. Variations on each set up will allow multiple corresponding looks great for portfolio or editorial submissions.

Depending on weather will determine exactly what set ups we will do that day.  What make our seminars unique is the very intimate experience with the model ( the other participants will be off set while you are shooting ) for each of your shooting sessions.

The seminar will give you an opportunity to better understand and modify light specifically for women by shooting individually with the model in each scenario.

Studio : the ideal location, an artists daylight studio with southwest exposure. Lights used will depend on the weather and can include ambient, continuous, and or flash.

Number of participants is limited to 4 maximum for this Paris Glamour Nude Workshop with Chiara Bianchino Nude & Lingerie which assures you will have lots of quality time to shoot. Neil Snape will be there to instruct and guide you in throughout each stage. His method is always to demonstrate the most  simplified ways of obtaining excellent results in a non technical way, yet efficient at the same time. By far the most important element starts with observation, and what you learn in this seminar is valid for any shooting environments not limited to studio work.

You will discover multiple types of light and how to mix them for each situation.

Beyond Glamour Workshop
Glamour Nu Workshop Paris Beyond Glamour Workshop
Glamour Nu Workshop Paris Beyond Glamour Workshop

Model:Chiara Bianchino

Our model Chiara Bianchino, is one of the best lingerie, swimwear, and finest nude models in the world. Her passion for travel, with a background in art and cinema brings a lot to what she has to give to her images. Give her a role to play and she’ll take it to amazing places. She really knows how to pose, you cannot miss a frame with her.
Now is your chance to make some extremely beautiful pictures of Chiara! Playboy did why not you?

Chiara Bianchino references:

This selection of images doesn’t reflect her potentila. Check out her constantly growing list of clients making top class pictures with her.
 FaceBook                        Instagram 


Upon arrival, meet with participants over a café, but we will get started quickly to ensure you have the more time for shooting

Discuss the objectives of the 4 set ups ( variants time permitting ) to be covered as well as how to build and maintain the all important communication between you and the model.

Set up nº1 : tips to making the light work for you, what to observe, how to modify the light.

Each participant then will shoot their own session for the allotted time.

Set up nº2, nº3, nº4, nº5 etc  with a one on one session for each set up.

Group discussion or critique of the results.


Workshop Payment Options
Café, croissants, all inclusive. Transportation : Métro Lourmel line 8, bus n°42, Tramway T3, street parking ( park meters ) 24, rue Modigliani 75015 Paris Codes for the doors will be emailed upon confirmation.You may be required to sign and respect a model release contract before shooting citing the usage rights and conditions between you and the model.

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