BenQ Webinar mastering color edits in 5 ways
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BenQ Webinar mastering color edits for model, beauty, and portrait photography or video
- Source controls at capture
- Production workflow fundamentals, how BenQ makes that better
- Colour Controls what is available and how to use them
- Adding style and personalisation with creative controls
- Setting default camera settings for imports
- Getting destination colour right for printing, web, and display with Gamut Duo
In this BenQ Webinar Mastering Color Controls will be amazed with all the tips and tricks given during the webinar.

Topics covered and more:
- How and why ensuring capture colour is important to you
- Use of X-Rite Passport or CC charts
- Grey balance
- Using RAW for stills or encoded colour for video
- Colour matching in Lightroom, Capture 1,
- Davinci Resolve matching and use of Vector Scopes for Skin tones
- How those affect your image making, viewing, and editing
Why the fastest computer, the best lens, the best model takes a back seat to the most important purchase: a wide gamut monitor.
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Color editing has two major notions, which will be covered in our BenQ Webinar Mastering Color.
Before you start making images, the more you know about what you are able to control the better off you are.
Over time you will appreciate the simple fact: a great calibrated monitor is the only way you can reliably view, edit, and export finished work.
BenQ monitors do more for less exactly why I believe in them as much as I do.
Editing images in a larger colour space can lead to disappointment as display colours can and often do exceed destination devices. For example a picture in the azure blue waters in Corsica your wide gamut monitor lets you live the moment. Yet export to an sRGB default will crush all the saturated light cyans as they are out of the destination profile space.
BenQ offers a great solution to this called Gamut Duo. In our BenQ Webinar Mastering Color we’ll look at this and other major advantages of BenQ monitors and how they make it easy for you to maintain a profession reliable workflow for today and into the future.
While the intention is not to go into technical reasoning in our BenQ Webinar mastering color, we will look at the fundamentals of colour editing, why, how to as we go.
Understanding the importance of grey, and grey tonal ramps is relative to your image viewing. We will look over monitor calibration, how grey ramps are the base of calibration, and how to align your images by use of white balance settings.
Beyond that a brief introduction to using X-Rite Color Checker Passport or other CCs, will help you find integration with both your stills and video colour editing.

We’ll spend some time editing live, a great way of delving into workflow. Doing so during our BenQ Webinar Mastering Color shows you an end user apply colour edits in an efficient repeatable way, yet not at all technical.
I’ll show you how to match colour, skin tones specifically, and edit on raw images before exporting to Photoshop.
You’ll be surprised what you can do on a raw image in colour correction.
Taking it further to adding colour, colour grading and toning to add special magic to a base image.