Answers to a Question about Paris photo studios to rent

While looking for SEO solutions to bring my Paris photo studio rental up in visibility I came across a post from 2011 at The Paris Photography Meetup Group

The poster was wondering about the problems of finding or even asking about cheap inexpensive or pas cher studios to rent while in Paris for time to time use.

Since this post dates a bit, I’ll add a little information on the studio rentals in Paris.
Firstly HT is hors taxes, meaning the going rate of TVA or VAT (Value added tax?) which is currently 20%.
Most studios above say 300€ per day are pro studios that will have equipment, yet not necessarily included.
Ones that are less per day will be mostly bring your own gear.

Thing is, in Paris to rent equipment, it is often quite high, and a little complicated considering transporting heavy gear to and from. For example if the studio doesn’t have easy access or no elevator or an elevator that is tiny, you’ll have a struggle to get stands and heavy power packs to the studio.

Traditionally French base their daily business on network, meaning if you are not already in their system, you are unknown. When Patrick Demarchelier calls as in the film “The Devil Wears Prada” everyone drops everything. IF you are an unknown they drop the call.

This is changing slowly, yet expect a less than stellar welcome. Since these are pro studios, they can’t understand how you ask questions that normally their clients know.’

Years ago, there were only the big studios that rented and albeit large and efficient, they were costly. Today the prices have gone down as print magazines have not only been axed, the remaining magazines forced to reduce budgets ( Vogue et Cie. excepted).
Many according to the studio manager at LeStudio ( my favorite when clients are paying) have opted for hotels as they have decor, which the studios do not.

Before some photographers rented to friends when they could, yet not many rented to others or general public. That has changed, there are more and more advertised. Some are quite well done, understand how to advertise via internet, are well priced, thus perfectly suited to amateur or small productions.

I started renting my little home/loft studio, but not knowing how to advertise it didn’t actually rent. This week I changed the website, made a lot of changes for SEO, making it higher visibility.

The differences in what rents for X € can be a lot. The less expensive studios sometimes rented per hour are usually equipped with very minimal equipment, only inexpensive flash, few modifiers. If you are looking for daylight, there are few inexpensive studios in Paris, but many very good ones if you have the budget. Little things like is the studio warm, private, clean all important details if you are shooting models or portraits.

I’d say look for a studio that comes with everything you need, and then more if you want to experiment. A studio that has high ceilings, white walls, and top of the line equipment if you are required a guaranteed result. IF the studio has an assistant all the better. For my studio I have to be present, so you get help in every way, up to and including lighting advice if asked for, plus daylight potential.

In French rental is “location” but you have to include photo studio, as studio is a small one room apartment.


Of course you can always find mine here:

Or FaceBook fan page: Neil Snape’s Paris Photo Studio Rental

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